Thanksgiving is a time to celebrate with family and friends. It’s a time to reflect on what we’re grateful for, and to enjoy good food and company. If you’re looking for some inspiration, or just want to feel the holiday spirit, check out these best thanksgiving quotes.
They’ll make you feel thankful for all the good things in your life!
Thanksgiving is the holiday that encompasses all others. All of them, from Martin Luther King Day to Arbor Day to Christmas to Valentine’s Day, are in one way or another about being thankful
Happy Thanksgiving
10 Best Thanksgiving Quotes
Thanksgiving is a special time of year when we take time to reflect on everything we are thankful for. From family and friends to our homes and health, there are so many things to be grateful for. Thanksgiving is also a time for delicious food, shared laughter and cherished memories. As we gather with loved ones to celebrate this holiday, let us take a moment to appreciate all the good in our lives.
From all of us, Happy Thanksgiving!
Wear gratitude like a cloak, and it will feed every corner of your life
True forgiveness is when you can say, ‘Thank you for that experience
Oprah Winfrey
I am happy because I’m grateful. I choose to be grateful. That gratitude allows me to be happy
Will Arnett
Be thankful for everything that happens in your life; it’s all an experience
Roy T. Bennett
Thanksgiving is the meal we aspire for other meals to resemble
Jonathan Safran Foer
He who thanks but with the lips thanks but in part; the full, the true Thanksgiving comes from the heart
J.A. Shedd
Give thanks not just on Thanksgiving Day, but every day of your life. Appreciate and never take for granted all that you have
Catherine Pulsifer
What I love about Thanksgiving is that it’s purely about getting together with friends or family and enjoying food. It’s really for everybody, and it doesn’t matter where you’re from
Daniel Humm
Thanksgiving is one of my favorite days of the year because it reminds us to give thanks and to count our blessings. Suddenly, so many things become so little when we realize how blessed and lucky we are
Joyce Giraud
Thanksgiving is a joyous invitation to shower the world with love and gratitude
Amy Leigh Mercree
Read other quotes
Gift ideas for Thanksgiving
Lovely Message on Thanksgiving
Thanksgiving is a time to come together and give thanks for all the wonderful things we have in our lives. It’s a time to reflect on the past year and celebrate all we’ve been blessed with.
This Thanksgiving, I’m grateful for my loving family, my great friends, and all the amazing opportunities that have come my way. I’m so thankful for the roof over my head, the food on my table, and the health of my loved ones.
I know there are many people out there who are less fortunate than I am. So I want to take this opportunity to say thank you to all of those who are helping others in need. Thank you to the volunteers at homeless shelters, thank you to the doctors and nurses who work tirelessly to save lives, and thank you to everyone who is making a difference in this world.
May your Thanksgiving be filled with love, happiness, and peace.